Saturday, September 5, 2009

Time to be scared?

My family is afraid for me. They want me to stop expressing myself on this blog and also on the web in general. They are afraid that the big bad govt. is gonna grab me and put me in jail.
On the day that expression of political points of view become illegal, that is the day I institute my own version of open political discord. I never thought I would be a political dissident, but I guess I am.I am amazed that family and friends are so afraid to run against the government. I'm of the mind that it is our duty to monnitor the government, and to call them to task when they are not doing the peoples business, but their own.
For years I let the gov. do what it wanted and never stood up and said boo. Those days are long past now. I realize that to keep the goverment running according to the Consitiution,that I need to be active and vocal. I need to keep the people I hire on their toes and aware of the fact that I no longer will allow them to run roughshod over those rights and duties I hold dear. Now I'm declaring my stand,and let the chips fall where they may,because as an American I have the duty and the right to demand that the government remember who they work for and who set the rules in the first place. The Constitution guarentees my rights and out lines my duties, and If I don't do my duty then my rights will simply disappear.

So is this the time to sit down and be quiet or is this the time to stand up and be counted? I guess I'll be one of the counted, because being quiet as allowed us to come to this point in history.