Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hello and welcome to a nonp.c blog.

Perspective: as seen from a point of view, or angle.

I’m not a blogger in general; normally I express my opinions to friends and family. On a rare occasion I will express those in public. Now I feel is the right time to express some opinions, in the internet sphere…

I’m a mom, a grandma, a wife, a student and a business owner. I’ve lived long enough to have gone from being a hard core liberal, to a recovering liberal to a conservative. If you look up the term conserve, you find some terms like save, value, handle with respect, responsible. The bible calls it being a good steward. That is what I want to be a good steward, so that when my grandchild is born, there will be something she can value, respect, save, and be responsible for.

Let’s start with the latest race for Governor in Wisconsin, where I’m from. The majority of the state is conservative; we are for the most part blue collar, hard working people, who value honesty and integrity. What did not surprise me is the fact that the Democrats won, what surprised me is by the fact that our state was sold, lock stock and barrel, by some really sleazy political tricks, and money that’s questionable to say the least, and illegal to say the most. I used to brag that we in Wisconsin were one of the cleanest states in the union, never having had a major political scandal in its history. Now we have a Governor who has had one of his insiders go to jail, and there’re a number of his “deals” that are being investigated, and not just by the State, but by the federal Government. Now that is something that we really have to brag about.

Hello does any one remember not that long ago who we were laughing at? Now we are facing the same type of ridicule from other states, we have become the laughing stock of the country with our “juicy” political scandals. It’s interesting to me that we were so eager for change that we voted in most of the democratic ticket, but did not stop to think that with that we have re elected a governor who has sold our state and its values to the highest bidder. So now we’ve become the lawsuit capital of the world, and we have opened the door to becoming the prime target for illegal immigrants. We’ve managed in the past 4 years to chase corporations out of the state, corporations who pay a large share of taxes, and hire a large share of Wisconsin citizens.

We’ve gone back to the time when welfare was not just a helping hand, but an entitlement, when personal responsibility has become something that is not recognized at least not in public, and sometimes not in private either. Where family has become what ever we want it to mean, not what it has always meant. When being outside your home could be a health hazard, because of shootings, and gang violence. Police, who are trying to help; but are hampered by being undermanned, underpaid and at the mercy of a system that allows for the rights of the criminal, but not the victim.

I welcome any and all points of view, but do ask that if you disagree with me, to please keep it civil, and as my mom would say,WATCH your mouth. I look forward to hearing from you.


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