Saturday, November 18, 2006

Here we go again.

Dear Governor Doyle,

Congratualations you have another 4 years to try and bankrupt the state, and you almost succeeded last term. Between what you've paid your cronies, and what you've promised to illegal immigrants, you just might suceed this time.

How dare you raise the registration fees on people who can't afford it, or who have enough taxes to pay with out this? I am amazed that you think we are so stupid that we won't pay attention when our car registration comes due and it's 48 % higher than last year! Where is all this money supposed to come from, and where in the world is it going? I've seen little improvement in our roads, but then again, those are in good shape and don't need a lot of improvement. To build new roads? Well again, we really don't need new ones, we have 25% more roads per/captia than the surrounding states.

The hike is going to hit the ones who support this state, the single working mom, who has a good paying job, but it's far enough away that she needs her car. She will be faced with the choice of either paying the piper, or quiting the job so that she can find a lesser paying one closer to home that doesn't require a car. What about the family, the dad works 2 jobs, the mom works one so that they can maintain a home and nice lifestyle. Not extravagant, by any means but nice. They will face the choice of either the wife, or the husband giving up one of the jobs so that they can continue to at least live in their homes. Some where down the road there will be things they will have to cut back on, such as saving for college for their kids, or planning their retirement.

The ones that this is not going to hurt are the pet projects of the governor, and his associates. The ones who will benifit from this increased slush fund. WEAC, the Road Builders, the illegal immigrants, and the ones who already have enough money with out having to worry about a little thing like a registration hike.

If anyone from Wisconsin is reading this, I am begging you to please contact your State assemblyman(woman) and state senator. Let them know that you will remember in 2 years or 4 what they have voted on and how it will affect you and your family. Tell them the DOT is way over the TOP on this and it will not be tolerated.

Your most unsatisfied Constituant

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