Saturday, September 5, 2009

Time to be scared?

My family is afraid for me. They want me to stop expressing myself on this blog and also on the web in general. They are afraid that the big bad govt. is gonna grab me and put me in jail.
On the day that expression of political points of view become illegal, that is the day I institute my own version of open political discord. I never thought I would be a political dissident, but I guess I am.I am amazed that family and friends are so afraid to run against the government. I'm of the mind that it is our duty to monnitor the government, and to call them to task when they are not doing the peoples business, but their own.
For years I let the gov. do what it wanted and never stood up and said boo. Those days are long past now. I realize that to keep the goverment running according to the Consitiution,that I need to be active and vocal. I need to keep the people I hire on their toes and aware of the fact that I no longer will allow them to run roughshod over those rights and duties I hold dear. Now I'm declaring my stand,and let the chips fall where they may,because as an American I have the duty and the right to demand that the government remember who they work for and who set the rules in the first place. The Constitution guarentees my rights and out lines my duties, and If I don't do my duty then my rights will simply disappear.

So is this the time to sit down and be quiet or is this the time to stand up and be counted? I guess I'll be one of the counted, because being quiet as allowed us to come to this point in history.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A scary truth.

I am watching this happen now and it is scary. This is a very scary truth and we see it happen before our eyes. As you review history,(not the revisionist version, but the one we were taught in high schools) you see the correlations. If you go back far enough you can see parallels in ancient Rome and what is happening in our country today. I agree that Americans will never willingly adopt socialism but in the face of social ostracism will be forced to do what is unimaginable.
OF all the things that could happen, and have happened to this great nation, this is the one that will ultimately destroy our society, and our nation. We are denigrated if we are proud of our culture, that is not acceptable, we must move over and allow others to celebrate the culture of their native lands. I'm not against the celebration of their cultures, that is what we are all about. I am against being forced to accept another culture over my own. I believe that if you come to America then you by definition want to become American, with all the baggage that comes with in, including our culture. I have never agreed with the hyphening of the American people, we are not a dualist society, we are Americans first, then Irish, or German or Hispanic or what ever. If I wanted to be anal about it I'm an Native American-German-French-Irish-Polish American. I am an American,period.

To return to my original point. It is a scary truth when one party decides that it is the supreme party and that it has all the answers. It is a scary truth when a government decides who shall live and who shall die, and how that citizen shall die. It is a scary truth when one person deems him/herself the sole proprietor of the truth of what is right and what is wrong. It is a scary truth that if we don't wake up and smell the coffee, it will be too late for us,our children and our grand children and for posterity.

We are a great nation, and to be humbled and destroyed because we were too apathetic to get off our couches and start making waves is just plain wrong.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Boy aint that the truth.

"The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend to be something they're not. "
Hillary Clinton
Dear Ms Clinton.
I have to commend you on your perception of the American Citizen. Now if you could just convince your party to realize what they've become, then maybe we could have an honest discussion on issues, not name calling.

The dems are at it again, as soon as they are unable to defend their position, they resort to name calling "mob" "rabble rousers" "UnAmerican" to avoid the issue. They demand that we let them treat us like idiots, because they can't handle our honest reaction to the Obamacare bill as well as our disdain for their tax and spend mentality. The American people were smart enough to elect them but are too stupid to stop them when they overstep their boundries. I love to remember how I was told that I was an "old foggie" because I didn't like Obama's campaign of lies. I'm not sorry, but I don't usually make the same mistake twice, anymore than I step in the same pile of feces twice.

I want to know since when is it unAmerican to demand that the politicians listen to us. Since when did we become the worker bees to their queenly attitude. Since when did they stop being American Citizens along with the rest of us, and become their own country?

If they are American citizens like us then they have to accept the same taxes as us, not weasle their way out. They need to accept the same insurance that they want us to accept, not the cadillac insurance they get as congresspeople. I want them to come back to reality, knowing that they are not any better just because they feel they can talk smooth. I have to remind them that snake oil salesmen do the same thing day after day. Most snake oil salesmen wind up with horrid reputations because of what they do, do the congresspeople want the same to happen to them?

I also would like to remind them that they were ELECTED by the people, not by GOD and we can unelect them just a quickly as we elected them. Unlike Sotamyor, these seats are not for life, but for a short time. So how do they want to be accepted back by society?
These are just some things to think about, Ms Clinton, so I will let you ponder.
Dana Lind.
A fed up American.