Saturday, August 15, 2009

A scary truth.

I am watching this happen now and it is scary. This is a very scary truth and we see it happen before our eyes. As you review history,(not the revisionist version, but the one we were taught in high schools) you see the correlations. If you go back far enough you can see parallels in ancient Rome and what is happening in our country today. I agree that Americans will never willingly adopt socialism but in the face of social ostracism will be forced to do what is unimaginable.
OF all the things that could happen, and have happened to this great nation, this is the one that will ultimately destroy our society, and our nation. We are denigrated if we are proud of our culture, that is not acceptable, we must move over and allow others to celebrate the culture of their native lands. I'm not against the celebration of their cultures, that is what we are all about. I am against being forced to accept another culture over my own. I believe that if you come to America then you by definition want to become American, with all the baggage that comes with in, including our culture. I have never agreed with the hyphening of the American people, we are not a dualist society, we are Americans first, then Irish, or German or Hispanic or what ever. If I wanted to be anal about it I'm an Native American-German-French-Irish-Polish American. I am an American,period.

To return to my original point. It is a scary truth when one party decides that it is the supreme party and that it has all the answers. It is a scary truth when a government decides who shall live and who shall die, and how that citizen shall die. It is a scary truth when one person deems him/herself the sole proprietor of the truth of what is right and what is wrong. It is a scary truth that if we don't wake up and smell the coffee, it will be too late for us,our children and our grand children and for posterity.

We are a great nation, and to be humbled and destroyed because we were too apathetic to get off our couches and start making waves is just plain wrong.

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