Friday, March 11, 2011

One Little Secret... Suprised?

I was listening to the news last night and there was one line really caught my attention, not only mine but everyone's in the room. That with the passing and signing of the new legislation from Scott Walker and the Republicans, the "dues" of the Unions will not be mandatory! Wow, no wonder they were pushing as hard as they could to block this bull... I mean Bill, they lose the control of who pays and who doesn't. This was not brought out when the Unions were trying to browbeat the rest of the nation into believing that we here in WI were breaking the backs of working people and keeping them slaves. ( which I never understood; slave being by definition nonpayed workers, who derive no benefit from their labors). No wonder the union was determined that the govt, was trying to destroy America as we know it, now it all makes sense. The Unions were losing their cash cow. Now they would actually have to pay for the new Lexus every year, instead of running it through the Union, the high priced "seminars" and "learning junkets" to Vegas and other spots of "high interest" would have to be curtailed because the members were not supporting them any more; what a shame.
Well Shame on the Unions and the minions who follow them blindly. Do they demand that the Bosses keep track of what they spend? No, do the members demand that the Bosses be transparent on what the dues go for? NO. So tell me how does it feel to be one of the Real Life workers now? Are you angry? Upset? Distressed? Good, go tell your union Rep that now you have to drop out of the union because supporting two families is one to many.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

and the beat goes on and on and on....

well it is still happening in Madison, but at least it's not the top story in the national news.. Its sad tho that we can create chaos out of simple work simply by acting like children. I have to admit that I'm embarrassed when I go out of state and they ask where I'm from. I don't want to get into a political discussion or argument about what is going on, and how I FEEL about it. I am embarrassed that my state goverment can't be adult enough to do their jobs and that is what I feel. Both sides need to take a "chill pill" as my kids would say and do what needs to be done, not run and hide and not play police tag. Maybe someday we will be able to say we have transended this but until then, get over yourselves,be the adult and get on with your jobs, both sides.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anger is not an excuse, neither is stupidity.

This is disgusting, there are people who will use any thing to promote their program, even use a war memorial! These idiots use a memorial to promote the union. They are promoting their cause at the expense of a group of people who HAVE given their lives for the freedom of speech. Now they have the balls to cover it with cheap homemade signs and blue duct tape.
They argue that they should be allowed because their "cause" is worthy. To me their cause is immaterial. They are argueing that they are not disrespecting the memorial in fact they didn't know that this was a memorial, don't they even read. I don't understand how they point the finger at others, and not accept the blame for their own actions, and oh by the way YOUNG LADY... you look at where you are before you put up one piece of tape. I realize you do this for a living, but honestly did you think that because it is your job to dessimate information that you have the right to do it any where you please? Would you have put tape on the Lincoln Memorial to protest? HELL NO> look do me a favor and go home. If you can't respect the dead heros of this country, you are too young to be there.

Friday, February 25, 2011

One of my favorite sites is Sodahead .com, it is a web site that allows the average person to post their opinion or question on a wide variety of topics. One of the questions today is should smoking be banned outdoors? I honestly am against banning a legal activitey, simply because it doesn't work, it drives it underground. Any one familiar with Prohibition? Well if the nannies continue to push this it will become this generations Prohibition. We can legislate all kinds of things, but intelligent choices and freedom to choose our actions will and never should be one of them. I may not like walking through a cloud of smoke to get to my car, but you know what? I have the option of going out another door, I may not like smelling cigarette smoke in the air, but then I also don't like the smell of fertilizer in the air, so do we ban farming? Some people don't like the smell of burning leaves in the fall, I love that smell, reminds me of my childhood. Please remember that any government that is big enough to give us what we want is also big enough to take everything we have.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I guess not..

Well here we are, we have not gotten to where we need to be because we still have the absent 14 in hiding. Honestly,my mind is whirling with issues that need to be addressed, and these bozos who were elected are not doing what must be done.
I support Walker, he shouldn't back down. If he does then he will be a lame duck governer from the begining. He needs to stay the course no matter what jackass stunts get pulled to embarrass the Governer.
Hey idiot it must be nice to take shots from the cheap seats. If you are so great why are you not sitting in the big chair? I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A SHOT, but you know what, I can't afford to run! Why you ask, well I will tell you 1, I don't have a couple million to invest in a campaign, 2 I have no one who would be willing to back me unless I were part of a mulitbillion dollar group, (read Union) and 3 I don't want to be the target of nuts.
I know that the Dems have a right to protest and that they have the right to free speech. What they do not have the right to do is not do the job that they promised to do when they were elected. It is time to get back to work.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are we ready to grow up now?

My mom always told me to stand and fight for what is right, well we here have seen both sides defend their stance, and while I disagree with the way they are going about it, I disagree more with the Democrates who are not appearing for work. You can't fight the battles you aren't in, so in effect you are losing a lot of battles right now. How about the new voter i.d. initive? I thought that was one of your pet peeves, well pretty soon it will be law, because you chose not to show up for work, and oh hey how about not just collecting your paycheck, now you have to show up to get it.. To bad so sad, you decided to hide in Illinois instead of doing what you were hired to do. See there are consequences to your non actions,and evidently you are willing to give up on everything to get what your union bosses want. You need to be here, even when I don't agree with anything you do, because frankly you are showing the rest of the country what fools do. Yes you are very foolish, and are acting like children who are spoiled beyond belief. You also let others use you, (unions) which is showing again how foolish you are, I can not believe that you think this is an effective means to an end. You need to get back into the arena, not stand outside and then cry foul when things happen you don't like.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Mouse that Roared

This was the "goal" of every education major, or so I thought. I wonder though,after seeing the protests of the teachers in Madison. I realize that as a person, you have the right to protest, but as a professional that they are supposed to be, they should be standing in front of their classes, not in front of the capitol. As a private citizen they have the right to gather and protest on their private time, not on their payroll time! Are their benefits more important than the students they are supposed to be educating? What are they teaching the students? Language arts, Math Skills, Political arm twisting?
Hey Do your jobs and let the Politicans do theirs.