Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are we ready to grow up now?

My mom always told me to stand and fight for what is right, well we here have seen both sides defend their stance, and while I disagree with the way they are going about it, I disagree more with the Democrates who are not appearing for work. You can't fight the battles you aren't in, so in effect you are losing a lot of battles right now. How about the new voter i.d. initive? I thought that was one of your pet peeves, well pretty soon it will be law, because you chose not to show up for work, and oh hey how about not just collecting your paycheck, now you have to show up to get it.. To bad so sad, you decided to hide in Illinois instead of doing what you were hired to do. See there are consequences to your non actions,and evidently you are willing to give up on everything to get what your union bosses want. You need to be here, even when I don't agree with anything you do, because frankly you are showing the rest of the country what fools do. Yes you are very foolish, and are acting like children who are spoiled beyond belief. You also let others use you, (unions) which is showing again how foolish you are, I can not believe that you think this is an effective means to an end. You need to get back into the arena, not stand outside and then cry foul when things happen you don't like.

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