This is disgusting, there are people who will use any thing to promote their program, even use a war memorial! These idiots use a memorial to promote the union. They are promoting their cause at the expense of a group of people who HAVE given their lives for the freedom of speech. Now they have the balls to cover it with cheap homemade signs and blue duct tape.
They argue that they should be allowed because their "cause" is worthy. To me their cause is immaterial. They are argueing that they are not disrespecting the memorial in fact they didn't know that this was a memorial, don't they even read. I don't understand how they point the finger at others, and not accept the blame for their own actions, and oh by the way YOUNG LADY... you look at where you are before you put up one piece of tape. I realize you do this for a living, but honestly did you think that because it is your job to dessimate information that you have the right to do it any where you please? Would you have put tape on the Lincoln Memorial to protest? HELL NO> look do me a favor and go home. If you can't respect the dead heros of this country, you are too young to be there.
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