Thursday, February 24, 2011

I guess not..

Well here we are, we have not gotten to where we need to be because we still have the absent 14 in hiding. Honestly,my mind is whirling with issues that need to be addressed, and these bozos who were elected are not doing what must be done.
I support Walker, he shouldn't back down. If he does then he will be a lame duck governer from the begining. He needs to stay the course no matter what jackass stunts get pulled to embarrass the Governer.
Hey idiot it must be nice to take shots from the cheap seats. If you are so great why are you not sitting in the big chair? I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A SHOT, but you know what, I can't afford to run! Why you ask, well I will tell you 1, I don't have a couple million to invest in a campaign, 2 I have no one who would be willing to back me unless I were part of a mulitbillion dollar group, (read Union) and 3 I don't want to be the target of nuts.
I know that the Dems have a right to protest and that they have the right to free speech. What they do not have the right to do is not do the job that they promised to do when they were elected. It is time to get back to work.

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